Keep your pets safe this summer

Keep your pets safe this summer

Keep your pets safe this summer!

Ensuring the safety of your pets during the summer is crucial, as elevated temperatures and certain summer activities can pose risks to their wellbeing. Here are some tips to help keep your pets safe during the warmer months:

1.      Hydration: Make sure your pets always have access to fresh and clean water. Dehydration can be a significant issue in hot weather, so monitor their water bowls regularly.

2.      Shade and Shelter: Provide a shaded area where your pets can escape the direct sunlight. If your pets spend time outdoors, make sure they have access to shelter or a cool place to rest.

3.      Exercise During Cooler Hours: Avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest parts of the day. Instead, schedule walks and playtime during the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.

4.      Never Leave Pets in Cars: Even on mild days, the temperature inside a car can quickly become dangerously high. Never leave your pets unattended in a parked car, even with the windows cracked.

5.      Protective Gear: If you are taking your pet for a walk on hot pavement, consider using booties to protect their paw pads. Hot surfaces can cause burns and discomfort.

6.      Grooming: Keep your pets well-groomed to help regulate their body temperature. Brushing can help remove excess fur, and in some cases, a summer haircut may be beneficial. Please head to our grooming salon The Happy Dog Hub –

7.      Parasite Prevention: Warme months can bring an increase in fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Ensure your pets are on a suitable parasite prevention program recommended by your veterinarian. We have partnered with Your Pet PA – check their online store to buy all your preventative products.

8.      Watch for Signs of Heat Stress: Be aware of signs of heat stress, such as excessive panting, lethargy, drooling and unsteady walking. If you suspect your pet is overheated, move them to a cooler place and contact your veterinarian immediately.

9.      Water Safety: If you have a pool, make sure your pets are familiar with the exit points and can easily get out if they accidentally fall in. Not all pets are good swimmers so supervise them around water.

10.   Fireworks and Loud Noises: Summer often brings celebrations with fireworks. Keep your pets indoors during fireworks displays to prevent stress and anxiety. Create a quiet space where they can retreat if needed.


List of dog friendly beaches in Melbourne:

-        Port Melbourne Beach - between Lagoon Pier and Bay Street

-        Sandridge Beach, Port Melbourne - from foreshore opposite Barak Road to The Bend

-        West Beach, St Kilda

-        St Kilda Harbour

-        Brighton Dog Beach (AKA Sandown Street Beach)

-        Sandringham Harbour, Hampton

-        Ricketts Point, Beaumaris - between McGregor Avenue and the southern end of the Beaumaris Yacht Club car park

-        Burns Reserve Altona

-        Cyril Curtain Reserve, Williamstown

-        Mentone Beach - from Charman Road to Plummer Road (off-leash on sand only.

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