What should I feed my cat and dog?

What should I feed my cat and dog?


Dogs are omnivores meaning their diet is to consist of a combination of meat, vegetables, and grains. Cats are obligate carnivores meaning meat is their main food source.

An appropriate diet combines a high-quality, balanced, commercial diet and human-grade foods such as pieces of chicken, beef, or lamb. Unless you have specific recipes that have been formulated by a veterinary nutritionist, commercial diets should be considered, particularly for kittens up to 12 months of age. All reputable veterinary nutritional companies must follow strict dietary requirements to ensure the diets are balanced and nutritionally beneficial. Your veterinary hospital staff can help you determine the best diet for your pet.

Most importantly for Cats and Dogs:

  • They require a complete and balanced diet

  • Freshwater should be available to your pet, inside and outside always

  • Adult pets can be fed two meals a day

  • Kittens and puppies often need three or four small meals a day

  • Any food that is left out for more than two hours can contain bad bacteria and, therefore, should be thrown away after an hour. Particularly fresh meats.

  • Never just feed a wet diet as this can contribute to dental disease





Treats are always a great option to give to any pets to assist with environmental enrichment and training purposes. There are many different types of treats out there, but keep in mind of how many they are getting along side their main diet as they can cause weight gain.

Some healthy treats can include:

·        Green beans

·        Peas

·        Corn

·        Carrots

·        Plain boiled or dried chicken

·        Dried Liver


Cuddles and pats can also be a reward when trying to cut down calories!


Vitamins and Minerals

A healthy pet that is receiving an adequate diet, should not need added Vitamins. Sometimes pets with specific conditions can benefit from additional vitamins and minerals. Always seek veterinary advice before adding these to your pet's diet. Antioxidants play an important role in removing damaging free radicals in the body, helping maintain a healthy immune system, reducing age-related behavioural problems, and helping reduce skin allergy symptoms. Examples of antioxidants include Vitamin A, C & E, carotenoids, and selenium.


Harmful Foods

Be very cautious when feeding your pet any human foods. Not only can they be toxic or harmful, but some can cause obesity over time. Some foods can be fatal.

Some harmful foods include but are not limited to:

·        Alcohol (respiratory depression)

·        Chocolate (in some cases, heart failure)

·        Caffeine (heart issues)

·        Corn cobs (can obstruct if swallowed whole)

·        Fat trimmings/fatty meats (can cause pancreatitis)

·        Onions and garlic (kidney damage)

·        Grapes, raisins and sultanas (can cause kidney failure)

·        XYLITOL (found in chewing gum and some peanut butter spreads, can cause hypoglycaemia and/or liver failure)

·        Diary milk (too much dairy can cause gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting or diarrhoea)

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